As a marketplace for Student Loan Refinancing, the brand was lacking in the aesthetic and energy needed to attract the target audience. Splash brought in a Branding firm to work with us to develop a new font, logo and color palette. After we had chosen the best direction for the brand, I worked closely with the VP of Marketing to identify 4 market segments. I then created User Personas based around each one.
I was tasked with exploring ways the new brand could be implemented on the site. These mockups in Figma were created over the course of a week. In addition to the UI/UX work, I color corrected illustrations and photographs, created icons, and provided new copy to help the new brand come to life.
After some feedback and refinement, the mockups below were created, and I worked directly with the Engineering team to get them into production. The leadership team was thrilled with the new site and it remains a highlight in my portfolio.